We regularly provide input into the development of suitable schemes for the development of listed buildings, conservation areas and sites within their settings. Site visits, research, advice on sympathetic proposals, production of Heritage Impact Assessments, building recording and condition discharge are all part of our ‘bread and butter’ work. We are normally involved from the outset of a project but are sometimes asked to help find a way forward where it looks likely that an application will be refused. Whilst we normally work alongside architects and agents, we can lead on the submission of applications for Listed Building Consent and Planning Permission. We also advise on strategic policy and have supported charities and major landowner to comment on local and national heritage related policy consultations. We also advise Councils and charities who do not have their own in-house heritage specialists.
Broates Farm, Ryedale
Following advice from the Local Planning Authority that an application for the residential conversion of a former byre was likely to be refused we were contacted to see if we could help. Having assessed the heritage significance of the site we were able to present an alternative design solution that provided the client with the level of desired accommodation whilst satisfying the Building Conservation Officer’s concerns about the original scheme. Listed Building Consent was granted for the amended scheme.
Artist’s Impression of the proposed Treadmill’s site with John Carr’s listed prison block to the right
Advice to Councils: Supporting Hambleton District Council we provided comments on a number of applications for Listed Building Consent and developments within Conservation Areas. This has included, most recently, advice on a heritage led regeneration scheme for the Grade II listed, former prison site in Northallerton, part of which is attributed to John Carr. We have also advised the Council on appropriate conditions and condition discharge.
scott street bridge
Advice to Councils: Hull City Council recently engaged us to edit a Conservation Area Appraisal for Hull Old Town and we have provided them with a Written Scheme of Investigation for the recording of the Grade ll listed Scott Street Bridge. We are currently working with them on a scheme of interpretation for the Scott Street Bridge which had a ‘Banksy’ painted on its deck during Hull’s year as the City of Culture.
Skidby Windmill
Advice to Councils: Commissioned by East Riding Council - we were asked to provide comments on proposals for a substantial tourism development in the setting of Skidby Windmill.
policy consultation
We have recently provided suggested comments to the CRPRENY on a suite of draft Conservation Area Appraisals produced by Richmond District Council; the North York Moors National Park Authority’s draft Local Plan and heritage related policy produced by Natural England.