We provide advice to architects, engineers, agents, estates and owners on the historic development and significance of heritage assets including listed buildings, conservation areas and registered parks and gardens and feed into the design process to ensure applications have the greatest chance of success. As part of this process we regularly produce Heritage Impact Assessments (HIAs) to support relevant applications for consent. We also support clients during the appeals process be this through written reps, hearings or inquiries. Finally, we support estates with bids for grant aid to help consolidate heritage assets at risk.
We have worked with the Campaign for the Preservation of Rural England North Yorkshire (CPRENY) for a number of years in its endeavours to conserve rural heritage and protected landscapes. We have helped the CPRENY secure the refusal of harmful developments within or within the setting of conservation areas, listed buildings, AONB’s and National Parks. We have also supported the CPRENY to comment on heritage related policy and document consultations.
public sector
We have worked for Hambleton District Council, Hull City Council and East Riding Council, providing advice on the heritage impact of applications for change, assisting with the production of appropriate conditions and condition discharge and meeting with applicants to negotiate enhancements to proposed schemes. We have also assisted with the recording of historic structures and provided text for the interpretation of historic sites.
We have a number of commercial clients who we work with on a regular basis. Commercial work often involves a significant development, usually on a greenfield site, within the setting of a number of heritage assets. We have assessed the impact of wind turbines and substantial residential development on a variety of heritage assets ranging from castles and conservation areas to canals. Commercial work often requires us to travel throughout the UK which we are happy to do.
We have secured funding for, and led on the implementation of, heritage led regeneration schemes including a Townscape Heritage Initiative (National Lottery Heritage Fund) and a Conservation Area Enhancement Scheme (Historic England). Furthermore, we have advised on the heritage elements of two successful Landscape Partnership bids as well as securing funding for the consolidation of Buildings at Risk for private owners from public funds and private trusts.