
National Parks & AONB's Heritage & Setting

National Parks & AONBs Heritage & Setting


We have many years of experience working as Building Conservation Officers for the North York Moors National Park Authority where we learnt much about the issues surrounding rural heritage in National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty both within Yorkshire and throughout the country. We have both advised on applications for major and minor developments within, and within the setting of, nationally designated landscapes and developed associated, strategic policy.


Development within setting of Settle Carlisle Railway and Yorkshire Dales National Park 

We were asked by the CPRENY to submit an objection to a substantial tourism development within the setting of a listed railway station, the Settle to Carlisle Railway, which is the country’s largest conservation area, and the Yorkshire Dales National Park. We produced a Heritage Impact Assessment which highlighted the harm that would be caused to the two designated heritage assets and the protected landscape. The application was subsequently refused at Planning Committee.


Development of greenfield site within the Howardian Hills AONB

We were asked by the CPRENY to provide a statement outlining the harm of a proposed llama farm and visitor centre on a greenfield site within the Howardian Hills AONB. This statement was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate which was considering an appeal for refusal of the original application. The Inspector upheld the Council’s decision and refused to grant consent for the development. 


Yorkshire Dales National Park Management Plan

We contributed to a workshop at the launch of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Management Plan on how to tackle the significant issue of defunct barns within the National Park.